Sunday, April 22, 2012

Up all night sewing....

Last night I stayed up until 1:30 finishing (I hope) the shirt I made of my mom's photo.  I used fabric paint to paint her sweater purple; it's the color of lilacs, which always make me think of her.  Then I sewed on some tiny buttons and stone beads.  I knew I wanted to put words on it but couldn't decide just what so I waited.  At about 11:30 it came to me.  I don't know any stories about my mother's childhood but I look at the photos all the time and wonder what she was like.  This is what I added to the shirt: "this is the story I don't know but can't seem to forget."

The fabric paint was messy and I made a big mistake on the second letter so I had to reconsider how to approach it. I got a small paintbrush and dipped the brush in the paint and lightly applied the paint to the stamps, one letter at a time.  I couldn't repair the first part so I restamped it on a different piece of fabric and stitched it on with lilac colored thread.  It gives it a little texture and dimension which I like and I have to remember it's not always going to be perfect. I love it only now it's too warm to wear it.

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