I am loving the sunshine today and thinking I need to finish the shirt I made of my mom. She died when I was twelve and it took me years to deal with that. Now that I have I want to honor her for inspiring me to stitch. She was the one who taught me how to embroider. I was supposed to be making those day of the week dischclothes for my hope chest (my father referred to it as my hopeless chest until I was 30!) but I never finished one single towel.
In college I started patching peoples' jeans for them because we were all poor hippies who couldn't afford new jeans. I discovered that I loved to sew and I loved playing with fabric. I would go on Dea tour and people would give me their jeans in Minneapolis and I would sew them on the way to Alpine Valley in Wisconsin and then return them when we arrived. No one had a pair that was like anyone else's. I still do jeans today. It wasn't what my mom had in mind when she taught me to hand sew but I use it all the time.
I took a long sleeve black thermal knit shirt and decided to embellish it. I used an old photo of my mom from the 40's and copied it onto iron on tranfer paper. I ironed the image onto a piece of old cotton pillowcase that had been my mother's. Probably from her own hope chest. Then I hand sewed on a piece of vintage lace around the image. After that I machine sewed the whole thing onto the black shirt. It needs some color but I am waiting to be inspired before I add more embellishment.
Just want you to know I've always wanted to know how to do these transfers!