Sunday, April 22, 2012

Best birthday wrap ever!!!

Ayla had a birthday party today and I knew I wanted to give her friend a handmade gift so she found a design she wanted and we made a stuffie together.  I cut out the pieces and did the sewing and she did the stuffing.
 I didn't want to deal with digging through Xmas wrap for some birthday wrapping paper plus it just didn't seem right with my handmade gift.  I thought about what could I repurpose.  I love that reusing things in new ways concept.  I have a stack of old books they got rid of at the library at work and I knew I could find uses for them..  I saw the stack sitting there, picked the biggest one, an old book about birds, and it became clear.  I took two pages out (sorry bibliophiles) and stitched them on 3 sides on my sewing machine.  Then I put the stuffie in the package and stiched up the remaining side.  We added a bow made of vintage ribbon and a handmade card.  It was gorgeous.  I am definitely doing this again!

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