Monday, June 4, 2012

Banner crazy!!!!

So at my work the library got rid of all these old books, stacks and stacks of them, and crafter that I am I could not just let them get "recycled" aka shredded.  I literally have stacks of books waiting for a purpose sitting on the dining room floor.  I wanted to find something fun and easy to do with them so I could get some immediate gratification to make up for the scary hoarder scene taking place in my home.  I found this idea on Pinterest (where else?) and started with an old book.

We decided we liked them so much we would hang them willy nilly (that is a real academic term I am sure) around the house.

I loved them so much that next I used a Chinese newspaper I found.  Then it was the wrapping paper from one of my birthday gifts and some carnival tickets. 
After that I tried paint chips since we had stocked up at Lowe's last night.

All I did was cut out diamond shapes, fold them over the string and stitch them close together so as not to waste thread, and then cut the threads between them when done and hang.  Super easy.  Ayla says it looks like we are having a circus at home but I think there could be worse things!

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